The TRUTH about Omicron:
Is this new variant a global threat… or a tempest in a teacup?


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South Africa Reports: 50% of people with Omicron were fully vaccinated.

America’s Response: Get your boosters!

South Africa Reports: No one has died from the Omicron variant.

America’s Response: New York declares a state of emergency!

The Netherlands Report: Omicron was detected there before it was found in South Africa.

America’s Response: Ban air travel to 8 African countries!

Get the TRUTH behind the hype… download this up-to-the-minute ebook.



In short… You’re being lied to.

We pull back the curtains, and you get a front-row seat.

Full transparency. That’s the only path forward as we expose the entire world to credible experts whose voices must be heard.

There is much, much more to the COVID story than the mainstream media is allowing you to see.

What is the real risk to you and your family?

Can ‘they’ really assert that vaccines are “very safe”?

Are all these shutdowns, mandates, and radical actions worth it?

Is there a safer alternative than the vaccine?

Is the vaccine controversy really over?

Who’s controlling the WHO and the CDC?


“stay home, stay safe”... for two weeks. Then we’ll return to normal.

That was over two years ago.

What changed? MORE mandates and restrictions.

What has not been exposed is the unblemished truth.

Instead, there’s greater censorship and suppression than any issue in history.

Narratives have changed so fast you have chronic whiplash. Flip-flopping from one stance to another has been commonplace.

Big Tech is now a puppet master. Mainstream media has driven their narrative exclusively.

Anyone falling out of line is being canceled, fired, de-platformed, sued, harassed, and even had their lives threatened.

You’ll no longer find them on Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

It’s a new reality for doctors and even highly published medical experts.

But they risk everything to share the critical truth with you.

secure your spot

Featured Experts

Dr. Peter McCullough

Dr.Peter McCullough

“Our FDA ... wrote a letter to not use hydroxychloroquine. We’ve been using it for 65 years. It wasn’t toxic last year!”



Did you know the MMR vaccine vastly increased the rate of Autism? And no network would cover the story?

Dr. Robert Malone

Dr. Robert Malone

“These products are both vaccine and gene therapy, and need tests done for both. That didn’t happen.”

Megan Redshaw J.D., N.D.

Megan Redshaw J.D., N.D.

“I think it’s about two things: I think it’s about money and I think it’s about control. For example, Pfizer is projected to make 33 Billion Dollars this year off of their covid vaccine.”

John Stockton

John Stockton

I’m seeing things I can’t believe are happening out there. The freedoms that I feel are being taken away from my family, my kids and my grandkids and everybody else.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

“Saying, ‘you should follow the science’ is ANTI-SCIENCE.”

Dr. Jack Kruse

Dr. Jack Kruse

“I’m not anti-vax. I’m anti-THIS-vax. Do we know everything we need to know? NO. Results coming out of [the] UK should be a signpost to our profession.”

Dr. Thomas Levy M.D., J.D.

Dr. Thomas Levy M.D., J.D.

“I need a cure that’s cheap, that’s accessible, that doesn’t need a doctor, that is available all over the planet. Truly, the only thing that meets all that criteria is Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulization.”

Alec Zeck

Alec Zeck

“With covid, they are narcissistically abusing, manipulating, gaslighting, denying and trying to frame anyone who questions them as the villain. It’s the exact same playbook that I'd seen, growing up with my abusive father.”

James Lyons-Weiler Ph.d.

James Lyons-Weiler Ph.d.

“They said, if you died with covid, you died from it. They did that to justify all these people walking around with [fake] positive PCR tests.”

Zach Bush, MD

Zach Bush, MD

Just how many viruses are in your body, as you breathe? 1,000,000,000,000,000. The virome is simply the genetic database of life on earth.”

Dr. Bryan Ardis

Dr. Bryan Ardis

“USA is 4.5% of world population, had more covid deaths than the rest of the world, combined.”

Michael Green

Michael Green

“The elephant in the room: 411 deaths per million doses. That’s 150,000 deaths from Pfizer shots.”

Dr. David Martin

Dr. David Martin

“I’m only going to see that which I choose to measure. Funny thing is, we picked a measurement device in this instance that was not specific to a pathogen.”

Barbara Loe Fisher

Barbara Loe Fisher

“I predicted the day would come when we would not be allowed to function in society without having every recommended vaccine.”

Brian Hooker

Brian Hooker

“The science was suppressed, specifically the relationship between the MMR timing and Autism in African-American males... They were destroying federal records at the same time.”

Dr. Paul Elias Alexander

Dr. Paul Elias Alexander

“There are no treatments available.’ That was a catastrophic lie. For all of those players at CDC and NIH, they mislead the American People… 660,000 people, 85-90% of Americans who died could have been saved.”

Kate Dalley

Kate Dalley

“When you go to the hospital for Covid: If you had an infection on your finger.. the new protocol was to chop off the arm... just watch you bleed out and then hope you can save yourself... and then blame the infection for killing you... That's what’s going on.”

Dr. Joe Mercola

Dr. Joe Mercola

“The crux here is deception and manipulation to drive everyone to take the vaccine. If they can convince everyone to take the vaccine, there IS NO control group.”

Thomas Woods

Thomas Woods

“'I wear my mask to show that I care.’ But, it doesn’t do anything. Alyssa Milano took a picture of herself saying she had her mask on. It was a knit mask that wouldn’t hold in pieces of food!”

Dr. Lee Merritt

Dr. Lee Merritt

“Most of what we’re seeing is a great mask psy-op. Just look at what masks are doing to our children. Now, child psychological development is being damaged.”

Stephen Petty

Stephen Petty

“If it’s not 90% relative risk reduction, it’s not good enough. Masks are only 5-15%, assuming a perfect fit and perfect seal.”

Joel Hirschhorn

Joel Hirschhorn

“He controls the whole medical establishment, financially. Not just through political power but financial power. Fauci is the key person in this whole evil story of how we have mismanaged this pandemic.”

Dr. Dan Stock M.D.

Dr. Dan Stock M.D.

“When your doctor says ‘it’s your age,’ he means he has no idea what’s wrong with you.”

Dr. Jeff Barke

Dr. Jeff Barke

“Imagine a woman with breast cancer. Stage 1. Early. We tell her to go home. If it gets real bad and spreads, come back. That’s kind of the equivalent of what we’re doing with Covid19.”

Sayer ji

Sayer ji

“I have daughters. I have tons of friends that have children. Now, they’re targeting children with something that has no evidence of working. They’re coming after our kids.”

Richard Fleming

Richard Fleming

“The vaccines actually impair the human immune system … [to where] you cannot make interferon. So, no innate human response. You have to have that innate system for the antibody system to work.”

Kenneth Ruettgers

Kenneth Ruettgers

“When you’re playing the Vikings at their home, and you’re behind and you give up a couple sacks, and you have to answer THOSE questions after, this is easy, compared to that!”

Patrick Byrne

Patrick Byrne

“China and Russia. They’re not vaccinating their troops. It seems [our government] is willing to go through a 30-60% reduction of our military over this vaccine.”

Dr. Rashid Buttar

Dr. Rashid Buttar

“Not working out, not exercising, not doing fundamental nutritional issues, doing the basics today, you have to pay the price tomorrow.”

Rallies and protests are being staged across the globe…

Falling on deaf ears as more and more cities, states, and governments pass ever-stricter regulations on masks, vaccines, and closures.

There is simply no room available for an opposing view, expert or not.

Private businesses are falling under greater pressure to hold jobs hostage if employees don’t line up for the jab.

They’re turning away customers without proof of vaccination.

All this is being done for “your safety.”

With no debate. With no exception.

The line has been clearly drawn, and it’s no longer in the sand. It’s cemented in the ground, and it appears there will be no compromise.

Religious exemptions are being ignored and denied.

Additional doses are now being urged on more and more people.

In short, your body is no longer yours to control. And there is no end in sight.

And they’re just about to start on the children any moment now...


The slide in education for school-aged children is devastating.

The explosion in mental health issues is historic.

The loss of jobs, businesses, savings, and wealth was greater than the Great Depression.

TRILLIONS were spent to prop it all up.

Was it all worth the dramatic and extreme actions?

Hindsight gives us some clues, and it’s not pretty.

Watch and learn the truth. The buried research. The secret agendas. The incomprehensible profits. The real loss of life and health.

The most thorough group of medical experts, scientists, researchers, and advocates have been gathered in one place for one purpose: To Tell The Unfettered Truth.

And we hope it spreads like wildfire. Will you join us?


With ever exploding censorship, COVID REVEALED exists to daringly bring to light the known facts and needed debate concerning COVID-19 as well as the policies and edicts that surround it.

Agendas are being driven, it is no secret. We are taking a stand on transparency as we bring to light, to the entire world, interviews that help force a greater conversation for a practical and scientific way forward.